REUTERS 史蒂夫·谢勒报道
渥太华 - 加拿大道德专员周五进行调查,关于加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)有家庭关系的慈善机构赢得政府合同一事。特鲁多将面临他第三次利益冲突调查。
道德事务专员马里奥·迪翁(Mario Dion)的办公室表示,将研究选择加拿大慈善机构(WE Charity Canada)管理一项9亿加元(6.645亿美元)的学生资助计划,特鲁多是否违反了禁止政客利用政权促进个人利益的规定。
Trudeau和他的妻子Sophie Gregoire Trudeau定期参加WE慈善活动,而Gregoire Trudeau则在该慈善机构的网站上主持播客。
WE Charity不再管理该赠款计划,该计划将为从事志愿工作的大专学生提供最高5,000加元的资助。之所以引入它,是因为冠状病毒大流行使许多学生难以或不可能获得暑期工作。
WE Charity在其网站上的声明中说,该计划自宣布以来一直“充满争议”,为了该计划的好处,最好让政府接管管理。
道德事务专员还将调查该声明是否表明Trudeau 给予了 WE Charity比其他全国性慈善机构优惠的待遇。

朱莉·戈登的补充报道,Marguerita Choy,Chris Reese和Daniel Wallis编辑,
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Gone are the days when a three-bedroom, two-bath starter home was the norm for first-time homebuyers. Today, many buyers are skipping that stage altogether and going straight for their dream homes. They're buying bigger, more expensive properties with upgraded features, and they plan to live there for the long haul.
Gone are the days when a three-bedroom, two-bath starter home was the norm for first-time homebuyers. Today, many buyers are skipping that stage altogether and going straight for their dream homes. They're buying bigger, more expensive properties with upgraded features, and they plan to live there for the long haul.
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